Katzpaw MoonShadow
Katzpaw MoonShadow is our exciting home grown keeper from Hunter and Jaci, who is now retired and looking for a forever home. Shadow is a Seal Mink Spotted boy that carries Apb, an agouti gene that comes down from the Bengals wild ancestor, the Asian Leopard Cat.
Whenever we pair two of our Bengals together we hope for a nice blending of their good qualities. Shadow is an excellent example of this blending, some from his Mom and some from his Dad. He is going to be an exciting boy to watch grow up, compete in the show hall and eventually make some beautiful Bengal babies.
Update: September 15, 2018
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© 2014-2018 by Northwest Bengal Cats • All rights reserved. Text, photos, graphics, videos and HTML code are protected by US and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit permission.